Sunday, July 12, 2009

Why does District Attorney Jeffrey A Taylor's name appear ?

What the heck is district attorney Jeffery A. Taylor's name doing on correspondence with the D.C. Probate Judge about my father's back taxes ( from 17 years ago) ???
O.K. after 17 years of my dad's estate being open in the D.C. court looks like the lawyers ( my grandmother has hired two) and Judge B*rgess want to shut this down.
How are they going to do so? Back taxes my dad purportedly owes.
I discovered that the tax person and address to who the D.C. probate court, my grandmother, and the lawyers have been writing to is BOGUS I.R.S. address and the agent has not been working for FIVE YEARS!
That did not stop the parties in this case from sending mail after mail of "purported" updates to the I.R.S.
Now instead of contacting the retired IRS agent at the bogus IRS address... my grandmother's lawyer has involved someone from the Department of Justice who is vouching for the back taxes. The Judge is corresponding with this person as well.
Whose name is on here ? None other than the resigned District Attorney Jeffery A Taylor. He resigned on May 28!
Is the Judge at D.C. Probate Court not aware that he resigned? Is the lawyer? Is the trial attorney from the DOJ office who has been called upon by my grandmother's lawyer to "fix" the tax issue NOT aware his own BOSS has RESIGNED?

Why the heck doesn't the D.C. probate Judge and the lawyer call the I.R.S. to FIX THIS PROBLEM! Report the back taxes to them. . .Perhaps they don't want the iRS invovled. Certain *someones* have millions of dollars in property developments on land that belonged to my FATHER!

I sent the tax lien document to the IRS in Baltimore because I believe it is FALSIFIED. I never heard back from them after I faxed it. Why do I think it is bogus? Well apart from the fact that everything I have discovered thus far has been bogus - it all looks like the same person signed everything. The agent's name is not even a real person. I've done numerous background searches and NOTHING shows up. I will upload this later...

M*rkham the lawyer whose been handling my dad's estate is known by the DOJ for his role in the "estate scheme" in the Terry Church case. Please click on the link to read more...
PARKERSBURG, W.Va. (AP) — A federal prosecutor on Tuesday outlined the case against former Keystone bank officers Billie Cherry and Terry Church, who are accused of looting the estate of their mentor, First National Bank of Keystone President J. Knox McConnell. It’s “a simple case, a case about greed and arrogance,” said Susan Arnold, an assistant U.S. attorney.

Terry Church looted the estate of her boss the head of Keystone bank. M*rkham( lawyer on my father's estate) along with his D.C. law firm assisted in many aspects of the estate scheme. One point of interest is that he raised the taxes of the estate -so that the heirs shares would be worthless.
He did the same in my father's case. I'll also elaborate more on these purported back taxes - but my point is this is what they are using to close the estate, and keep my father's shares. By doing so I will have no access to bank records that will help to prove my allegations.
IRS if you are listening my dad's estate was worth possibly MILLIONS if not more - the D.C. Probate COURT had hidden this fact from you.
Oh and by the way I want to know where my dad's remains are :(

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