Sunday, July 12, 2009

Justice For William Mack Cooley

I have created this blog in the hopes of finding justice for my late father William Mack Cooley.
These past few months have been terrifying for me, apart from having to deal with threats against my life, and consistent harassment, a court case that has been open in D.C. probate for 17 years, I have discovered that my later father's ashes are missing from the Barrington Illinios church where he is supposed to be.

I am writing from a broken keyboard, so I won't be able to publish as much as I would like this evening.

I have been trying to find advocacy, assistance, advice, or help...yet this case and the circumstances around it are so beyond the scope of what is normal - that is has made it virtually impossible to get assistance. Just mentioning the details of what I have discovered thus far gives reason for people to label this whole story "crazy" or not possible.

I have evidence and proof of what I will be documenting on this blog. It makes a difference to support what is being said with documentation - as apposed to just randomly stating things.

For the time being I will have to be my own advocate until either this blog sparks the interest of someone who might be able to help, or I can find advocacy. I truly hope someone out there can.

I will not stop until I find out what happened to my father - where is remains are - and find out who the parties responsible for stealing my father's inheritance. I will use every legal means possible. This is STILL the United States of America - and I still believe I can achieve justice for my father.

I have been intimidated since starting my investigation, and had a terrifying event where I almost died from a gas leak. Three times "FD NY" came to my apartment. These were not my local FD NY. In fact nobody will give me any info as to who they were.

Here is a letter I am forwarding to the FD NY complaint board.

July 8, 2009

My name is ******* Cooley. I am a resident of the city New York. I work for as customer support and tech support with a company called *****. I am a single mother of a 14 year old boy.
These past 5 months I have been dedicated to the discovery process of investigating the
parties involved in my late father's probate case. Amongst many possible legal violations -
I have found possible elements of fraud, white collar crime, judicial fraud, IRS fraud, RICO Act Violations, and estate fraud. The estate could be worth possibly millions of dollars. My sister, myself, and sub sequentially my 14 year old son would be the only heirs.

The last week of June, I discovered that the remains of my late father, William Mack Cooley, were missing from the Barrington, Illinios church where he was purportedly laid to rest. I was about to go to the F.B.I. with my information, and the documentation and evidence to back up my discoveries this past week - however impeding my contact with the F.B.I. was “gas leak” in my residence.

Starting on July 2, I was terrified and intimidated by a group of “FDNY” who appeared at my apartment on 2 occasions. I was told on both occasions that my gas had been turned off. I was informed by Con Edison that it had never been turned off. Apart from feeling terribly sick, I was terrified by the behavior of these “FDNY”. I have been a New York resident since 2000 and I have always found the FDNY very amicable and professional. This time however, I was treated with disrespect and contempt.

My life and the life of my 14 year old son were put at risk. Our gas was not turned off for over three days, despite being told that is had been by FDNY personnel. When I decided to go to the hospital to get tested for possible Co2 poisoning I was stopped by a group of amicable NY PD who informed me that someone had called them and told them “a women was passed out on the floor”. I never called the police that night. The NYPD did not seem to be aware of what was going on.

I was put in an Ambulance, and was told by an EMS worker repeatedly that I needed to “take my meds”. She then stayed with me until I was put in the psychiatric ward. She reported to the Doctor at Metropolitan hospital that I was “psychotic”, “suicidal”, “homicidal”, and “playing with the gas pipes.” She also told them I drank “booze”. Thankfully I was seen by a unbiased Psychiatrist at Metropolitan Hospital who released me just an hour later. I insisted on a co2 test, and was told my level was at 0.5.

I have never been diagnosed as psychotic, nor homicidal. I would never hurt anyone or anything.

I have repeatedly tried to find out the names of the FDNY who were dispatched to my apartment. No one at the FDNY, as of yet, will give me any information. I am too afraid for to even return to my apartment after what transpired this weekend. My family is afraid for my our safety as well.

The very people I grew up admiring and believing I could turn to for help – I now fear to call. My son and myself have been traumatized. We are both currently staying away from our home- too afraid to return.

My great grandfather, and my possibly my grandfather worked for the United States Department of Defense. There are many questions and concerning the events around my later father's death, and the handling of his estate by a the head Probate judge in Washington D.C.

As a citizen of the United States of America, I have a right to investigate the death of my father – and to find out what happened to his remains. My son and I have the right to live without intimidation and harassment.

I have since discovered that a Lt. D**n was the person who was in charge of dispatching to Con Edison about my gas leak. The gas leak dispatch report was reported three days after the gas leak.
Robert Mc*****d the head supervisor of gas operations was inside my apartment without me being there. I was informed by a Con Edison worker that “supervisors” do not usually go on “gas leak” calls to fix stoves calls at 1 am in the morning. Much less on a holiday.
I have since learned that Lt. D****n was in the army. I believe that all the “FDNY” that were dispatched to my apartment were Army reserve or personnel. I do not believe they know the reason that they were called for this “gas leak”.
I would like to inform them, and any anyone else, that I am a kind, caring human being. My son and I object to having been treated like an animals in a gas chamber. I also have the right to go to a hospital to check my physical health, and not be tossed into an ambulance whilst being accused and portrayed to medical personal with absurd accusations of psychiatric problems by FNDY EMS.
My son is an innocent little boy . He has done no harm to anyone.
For the record- I am not suicidal, psychotic, or homicidal. I do not no drugs of any kind. I am a daughter trying to find out what happened to her father. That is not a crime.
I am seeking protection and advocacy from the appropriate agency. We have the right to live our lives with the normalcy we had - before I discovered the possible criminal elements around my late father's case. I am attaching documentation to this letter with the cause of events, and other documentation.
My son and I are truly afraid for our safety at this point in time. We would appreciate any kind of support, advice, or protection.
I am uploading the phone call I made to Con Edison right before this harrowing event. Just minutes after this phone call, I was stopped outside my door by the NYPD who placed me inside an ambulance - even though my Hospital was only two blocks away, and I informed them did not want to go inside the ambulance. At no point in time did I ever call 911.The cops looked clueless - except for the head cop and the EMS
workers. As soon as I was placed inside the Ambulance I was insulted over and over again. I kept quiet. I was told that I needed my "meds". That I needed solitary confinement. I was placed in the Metropolitan Hospital psych ward. The EMS worker told the staff that I was "suicidal", "homicidal", "laying with the gas pipes", and drank a lot of booze.

Luckily after interviewing me the Doctor let me go.
I am attaching the documents from the hospital here along with the YouTube link of the phone call that I made to Con Edison.

Unfortunately the first recording I did did not take. I called immediately upon return from the Hospital. As anyone can observe - my behavior was neither psychotic, suicidal, nor homicidal - as the EMS worker had stated to the Psychiatrist.


  1. William "Mack" Cooley Jr. and I were friends when we were students at North Barrington Elementary School. I attended the school from 1958 to 1964, then move away. I remember his father, William Mack Cooley Sr. I remember his death in a car accident, which was reported to me a day or two after it occurred in 1966.

    I can be reached at

  2. Hello...Anybody home?

    Still hoping to hear from William "Mack" Cooley's daughter.
